Start Small:
Rome wasn’t built in a day! Set your goals high enough to make an impact but not at a measure in which is unachievable, after all why set yourself up for failure? Take a look at the little things that will make a big difference and start there.
Action Plan:
It’s not enough to focus on the end result. You know what you want now you will need to focus on the plan of how you will get there. What do you have, what do you need, where are you now, where do you need to be, how much do you know, how much do you have to learn and so on. Introduce a new saying to yourself; ready, set, ACTION PLAN, go!
Track, Measure, Repeat:
Three simple steps that make all the difference. How will you know if you’re on route to achieving your goals if you’re not tracking your progress? Your final goal is not the only achievement along the journey. Recognize the smaller achievements within the stretch of the end game, note what’s working and what’s not, and make necessary beneficial changes.
Talk the Talk:
Yup you heard us! Let people know what you’re working towards. Friends, family, colleagues whomever! Let people know you’re on the road to make a difference in your life and you’ll be surprised how many people you inspire to follow your lead in improving themselves. As a bonus, the more people who know the more support and encouragement you’ll get, and everyone loves a cheer team!