You may not think you have the time to dedicate towards office organization, however what you may not realize is that you actually waste a lot of time due to office disorganization. Organizing your office doesn’t require as much time as you may think, and will only save you time and hassle in the future. Here are 6 tips for office organization.
1. CLEAR AND CONQUER!- Get rid of it! If you need it, it stays, if all it does it does is take up space it’s gone!
2. CLOSE AND COZY!-Place items and equipment in the most efficient way possible. Allowing you to have what you need, when and where you need it.
3. LABEL, LABEL, LABEL!- Take the time to label folders, cabinets, drawers and shelves so every item has a place.
4. FILE UPDATE!– File documents as soon as they are received, or dedicate a specific time in your week to file documents, to avoid the pile up!
6. WOR Folder!– Waiting on response! Some things are put on hold, that doesn’t mean it should take up space! Create a folder for documents you are waiting on a response for, to keep up to date and maintain organization.
5. CONTAINERIZE!– Inexpensive desktop storage can go a long way. Paper trays, folders, binders, and drawer compartments. Get what you need to ensure maximized desk top storage!